Numerology In Craigieburn. Melbourne
Numerology Readings & Courses/Workshops
Birth Report.

$150.00 AUD
Did you often wonder, why you are here and where are you going?
Your date of birth indicates our reason for being here, our purpose in life and what we have chosen to learn in this incarnation.
Our name reveals how we interact with people, what motivates us, what others thinks of us at that first meeting, the first impression we make.

Up to 20 pages of information about YOU.
Personally interpreted. Not computerized.
Email Doreen: Your full name at birth, any name changes [eg. married name] and your date of birth to

Numerology Course
in Craigieburn
All in One Course.

For more information Click here

Contact Doreen.

Numerology is a science of numbers.

Every number has a meaning.

Your Name/s and Date of Birth are analysed to answer that age old question?
"Who am I", "Why am I here" and "Where am I  going".

A Numerology Report will explain your SOUL'S CONTRACT.

[What you came to learn in this lifetime.]

Your Date of Birth reveals your Life Path, lessons to be learned, path to take and goals in life.

The Name given to you at BIRTH is the vibration you arrived with and it represents your Character and your Potential.
What Motivates You. Your Strengths and Weakness.
Are you a Leader or Nurturer. Or perhaps you are here to be the Social Butterfly or to Work Hard?

Any Name changes in life are significant.

When a woman gets married she may change her Surname.
Also, some people change their Name by Depol. These changes are significant.

A Numerology Report will explain all about YOU and your SOUL’S CONTRACT.
[What you have come to learn in this lifetime.]

Up to 20 pages of information about “YOU”

One benefit of a Numerology Reading is that it doesn’t require a personal visit.

Numerology Reports, Numerology Courses and Online Numerology Courses and Numerology Workshops are available.

Contact Doreen for dates.

Business Name Reading

$60.00 AUD

A business name is one of the most important aspects in starting a company.
Your name represents the image and brand of your business.
Personally Interpreted By Doreen. NOT Computerised.

Email Doreen the Business Name and the Date you registered your Business.
It will be on your registration certificate.
If you want the Business Name analysed before you register the business then I can do that and then analysis the Date after you register.

Transit Report.

What does Your future hold?
$150.00 AUD

Once we are born we begin our journey of life.
A Numerology Transit report can help you navigate your way through all the different cycles of life.
You can learn to work and flow with your cycles rather than fight them.
You cannot change your cycles which are determined at birth, but you can recognise them,
you can use them to your advantage.

Included Name Transit for 78 years of your life.
Interpreted for 10 years from your present age
Being forewarned is forearmed.
Personally interpreted. Not computerized.
Email Doreen: Your Full Name on your Birth Certificate and your Date of Birth along with your payment to:

Contact Doreen with all enquiries:

Doreen Van Boxtel
Psychic, Healer, Tarot, Numerologist, Teacher, Melbourne

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